© 2010 KWorld
Resume the Video
5. If you want to give the “Play/Pause”, “Stop”,
“Rewind”, “Fast Forward”, “previous file”, “Next
file” options, you can only do it through your
control remote by pressing each key, as shown
6.Resume the video: this media player features
the resume function. This function enables you
to resume the video you were watching from
where you left off last time. Every time you start
watching your file it will ask you whether you
want to resume it or not.
Fast Forward
(4).For “Loop” please use the left and right arrow keys on your remote to switch all
different modes it could be played to watch your files one after another, then
select one by pressing OK key on your remote. The modes will be switched in the
following order: “Rotate all”, “Sequence”, “Random”, “only one” and “rotate one”.
(5).For “Sub encode” please use the left and right arrow keys on your remote, to
switch all different codes then select one by pressing OK key on your remote. The
codes will be switched in the following order: GBK,BIG5,UTF8,UTF16 BIG End,
UTF 16 Little End, West Europe, Middle Europe, South Europe, Russian
(6).For “Sub color” please use the left and right arrow keys on your remote, to switch
all different colors then select one by pressing OK key on your remote. The colors
will be switched in the following order: white, red and blue.
(7).For “Channel” please use the left and right arrow keys on your remote, to switch
all different channels for the speakers, and then select one by pressing OK key
on your remote. The channels will be switched in the following order: Stereo, left
channel and right channel.