K U N S T S T O F F – V E R B I N D U N G S – T E C H N I K G M B H
Stand: Okt-12
Werkering 6 – 33609 Bielefeld – Tel. 0521 / 93207-0 – Fax 0521 / 93207-11
Kap. 7 – Seite 8
The matching can be modified with the number and size of the installed
condenser blocks [1] = frequency adjustment, and with the transmission ratio
(tapping) [3] = impedance adjustment of the transmitter [2] inside the com-
Photo 9: EWS compensation, inside and transmission ratio
Modifications must only be made after consultation with
KVT Bielefeld
Condenser block
Transmission ratio
terminal block
Flow rate monitor evaluation board