K U N S T S T O F F – V E R B I N D U N G S – T E C H N I K G M B H
Stand: Okt-12
Werkering 6 – 33609 Bielefeld – Tel. 0521 / 93207-0 – Fax 0521 / 93207-11
Kap. 7 – Seite 3
EWS generator MF 1000 – MF 1500
Mode of operation
The EWS generators were developed specially for EWS heating and operate
with frequencies of 15 to 80 kHz. The high performance was achieved by us-
ing thyristor technology and output adjustment optimised for the least losses.
Safety and monitoring functions are of course included in the electronic con-
trol and regulator unit.
The infinitely variable power setting makes it possible to optimally adjust the
output power for the particular application.
Photo 2: EWS generator MF 1000 – MF 1500
Controls and display elements
Mains switch
Fault display (fault indicator lamps)
Display of the power output as a % of 1000 W or 1500 W
Regulator for the output power
Test button, activates the ERW generator
Photo 3: EWS generator, controls and display elements