74 | kvm-tec
kvm-tec | 75
4.3 faVoRIte lISt
A total of 8 favourites can be defined. The connection of these 8 favourites is possible with
shortcuts from 1-8
4. netWoRK SettInGS
4.4 connectInG, dISconnectInG oR SelectInG a
Logging in to the local PC in the main menu, press A.
Enter your username and password.
Disconnecting from an encoder in the main menu, press D.
Enabling a direct connection
If you are not connected through a network switch, you can connect directly to an encoder with
point-to-point mode.
In the main menu, press P. After logging in, the user receives his personalized lists (Devices,
Favorites List).
4. netWoRK SettInGS