Program Change Formats
There are two more ways to describe the QA Bank E format: one verbal, one visual. The first
(hundreds) digit of the QA bank that gets selected is always the same as the currently selected
memory bank. The QA bank’s second (tens) digit is equal to the value of the first program
change command: either the value of the MC 32 message, or the third (ones) digit of the PCH.
The QA bank’s third (ones) digit is equal to the tens digit of the second PCH. The QA bank
entry that gets selected is equal to the ones digit of the second PCH. The following diagram will
That takes care of the receiving end of the QA Bank E format. The diagram above also explains
the transmitting side. If, for example, you’re currently in Quick Access bank 219, and you press
5 on the alphanumeric pad, the K2500 selects for itself whatever program or setup is
programmed for that bank and entry. The K2500 then sends the following two program change
commands to its MIDI Out port—MC 32: value 1, followed by PCH: value 95. The first
program change command is always of the MC 32 type. The currently selected memory bank is
not included the program change command.
Quick Access Banks—Kurzweil (QA BANK K)
In terms of receiving program change commands, this works almost exactly like the QA Bank E
format. The only exception is that within the QA Bank K format, the K2500 expects the first
program change command to be of the standard program change command type. MIDI
Controller 32 messages will not be recognized.
219 5
QA bank
Currently selected RAM
bank (unaffected by
Program Change command)
1st Program Change command
received: either MC 0 value
or last digit of first PCH value
(when PCH is between 100 and 109)
2nd PCH value