Program Change Formats
If your K2500 is already in the memory bank you want to use, you can send it single PCHs from
0 to 99, to select programs within that memory bank. If you want to change the memory bank,
the K2500 must receive either an MC 32 message with value 0–9, or a PCH with value 100–109.
This will select the new memory bank, but will not change the current program. The next PCH
in the range 0–99 will select the correspondingly numbered program in the newly selected
bank. The following table of examples should help make it clear.
1st program change
2nd program change Result:
command received:
command received:
PCH: value 64
64th program in current bank selected (e.g.
program 264 if in 200s bank)
PCH: value 99
PCH: value 27
27th program in current bank selected (99 is
selected, then overridden by 27)
PCH: value 102
PCH: value 16
Program 216 (200s bank, 16th program)
PCH: value 127
PCH: value 99
99th program in current bank (1st PCH is ig-
nored, since it’s above 109)
PCH: value 127
PCH: value 104
No change in current program; 400s bank se-
lected pending next PCH
MC 32: value 0
PCH: value 99
Program 99 (0s bank, 99th program)
MC 32: value 1
PCH: value 42
Program 142 (100s bank, 42nd program)
MC 32: value 9
PCH: value 0
Program 900 (900s bank, 0th program)
MC 32: value 9
900s bank selected, no change in current
program (bank selection is pending for next
MC 32: value 10
PCH: value 99
MC 32 message ignored; 99th program in
current bank selected (e.g. program 199 if in
100s bank)
That’s the receiving end of extended program changes. On the transmitting side, the rules are
similar; if you select a program in the current or another memory bank, two commands are
sent. The first selects the memory bank, and is always an MC 32 type. The second is always a
PCH. Some examples follow. They assume you use the alphanumeric pad, but you could use
the other data entry methods as well.
Front panel selection:
Program change commands sent:
MC 32: value 0; PCH: value 99
2 1 6 ENTER
MC 32: value 2; PCH: value 16
9 1 1 ENTER
MC 32: value 9; PCH: value 11