page 8
Double Button Presses
Several pairs of the buttons on the CUP310 have timesaving secondary functions when pressed simultaneously—
think of them as keyboard shortcuts.
For convenience of reference, descriptions of all of the double-button press functions appear below.
● To enter Demo Mode, press the RECORD and PLAY/PAUSE buttons simultaneously
● To enter Song Mode, press the PLAY/PAUSE and STOP button simultaneously.
● While in Program Mode, press the TRANSPOSE – and + buttons (DOWN and UP)
simultaneously to reset transposition.
● While in Settings Mode, press the LEFT and RIGHT navigation buttons simultaneously to select the default value
of the selected parameter.
See below for an overview of the CUP310’s various modes and features:
● Program Mode explains how to access the variety of different Programs available
(also commonly known as presets or voices).
● Demo Mode explains how to play the pre-recorded songs in the CUP310.
● Metronome/Rhythm Mode explains how to select a Metronome or Rhythm, and how to set the tempo.
● Layer/Split/Dual Mode explains how to layer two different Program sounds on the keyboard, how to split the
keyboard into two regions containing two different Program sounds, and how to split the keyboard into two regions
containing the same Program sound for 4-hand use (ideal for duets or instructors and students).
● Song Mode explains how to record and play user songs in the CUP310.
● Settings Mode describes a variety of global parameter settings in the CUP310.
● MIDI introduces the Musical Instrument Digital Interface functions in the CUP310.
Press and Hold Buttons
By holding down some buttons, you can access secondary functions of other buttons.
● Press and hold the current CATEGORY button, to set the current program as the default program for that category
(only if the current program belongs to the category of the button pressed).
● Press and hold any NAVIGATION button to quickly scroll through the available settings.