Category Buttons (Piano, E. Piano, Strings, Organ, Others)
Press any of these buttons to select the first program of each instrument category (or the category default program
of the selected category). After selecting an instrument category, other programs in the category can be selected by
pressing the LEFT or RIGHT navigation buttons. Pressing the LEFT or RIGHT navigation buttons will bring you to the
previous or next sound in the category.
To set the current program as the category default program, press and hold the currently selected CATEGORY button.
Press the MET/RHY/TAP button to enter Metronome/Rhythm Mode. This mode allows you to select whether
a Metronome and/or Rhythm will be played when the PLAY/PAUSE button is pressed. You can select a Rhythm
Pattern, set a tempo, and set the Metronome and Rhythm volume. You can also set the Rhythm or Metronome
tempo by repeatedly tapping the MET/RHY/TAP button at the desired rate.
See the Metronome/Rhythm Mode chapter for more details.
The LAYER/SPLIT/DUAL button selects the Layer, Split, and Dual Modes. Press the LAYER/SPLIT/DUAL button
repeatedly to select each mode.
● Layer Mode allows you to layer two different Program sounds on the keyboard.
● Split Mode allows you to split the keyboard into two regions containing two different Program sounds,
with adjustable split point.
● Dual Mode allows you to split the keyboard into two regions, each transposed to the same range for 4-hand use
(ideal for duets or instructors and students).
See the Layer/Split/Dual Mode chapter for more details on each of these modes.
The RECORD button is used in Song Mode, which allows you to record up to ten user songs with optional Rhythm
See the Song Mode chapter for more details.
The PLAY/PAUSE and STOP buttons are used to play, pause or stop a Metronome or Rhythm in Program Mode,
user songs in Song Mode, and demo songs in Demo Mode.
Song Mode
Press PLAY/PAUSE and STOP buttons simultaneously to enter Song Mode.
Song Mode allows you to record up to ten user songs with optional Rhythm accompaniment.
See the Song Mode chapter for more details.
Demo Mode
Press RECORD and PLAY/PAUSE buttons simultaneously to enter Demo Mode. Demo Mode allows you to hear
a selection of demo songs songs performed in a variety of classical styles that demonstrate the Grand Piano Program.
See the Demo Mode chapter for more details on Demo Mode.
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