Chimney and/or the chimney cap needs to be cleaned. Your chimney should be checked and cleaned if
necessary, every few months. Even a small amount of buildup can cause a draft restriction, for example:
¼ inch of buildup on the side wall of an 8” chimney reduces the effective area of the chimney by about
20%. Pay close attention to the chimney cap, especially if it has a screen. Screened chimney caps can
become blocked enough to restrict flow in just a few weeks.
Catalytic combustor is plugged with ash. Clean the catalyst in place using a slight to moderate (~20-30
psi.) amount of air pressure blown through the baffle grid removing ash from the catalyst cells.
Atmospheric conditions. Occasionally, barometric episodes occur that affect draft, thereby affecting
stove performance. If your stove has been working fine and performance drops suddenly, this is most
likely the cause, and will usually go away within a few days.
Your fuel load may be too small or the wood size too large for the coal bed. A small bed of coals requires
re-kindling to build up the heat, only put large chunks of wood on a very hot and active bed of coals.
Your fuel load may be too small or the wood size too large for the coal bed. A small bed of coals requires
re-kindling to build up the heat, only put large chunks of wood on a very hot and active bed of coals. If
there are large chunks of charred wood left after the fire has gone out, the coal bed was not hot enough.
Fuel quality. Harder, denser woods produce longer burn times. Likewise, softer woods produce shorter
burn times.
Check the main door gasket and glass gasket for proper seal. See for instructions on checking your
Catalyst plugged with
Burning wet wood or pushing in
the bypass rod too soon.
Burn only dry, seasoned natural wood. Burn a hot
fire with the bypass partially open to burn off the
creosote buildup.
Catalyst masked with
soot or fly ash.
Pushing in the bypass rod too
Burning improper material such as
cardboard, coal or wrapping paper.
Burn a hot fire with the bypass rod partially open to
burn off the creosote buildup.
Burn only dry seasoned natural wood.
Lower Efficiency
Flames contacting the catalyst
from excessive draft.
Use less wood or lower the air to the stove. Install a
damper to reduce draft.
Do not burn material that will poison the catalyst
such as colored paper, cardboard, paneling, painted
or treated wood.
Catalyst is plugged with
fly ash
Pushing in the bypass rod too
Burning material that produces fly
ash and char. See section 4 for a
list of improper materials
Make sure you achieve catalyst light off (see
section 4)
Burn only dry, seasoned natural wood.