(A) When Contact Plate is Closed.
When Contact Plate Is Closed:
When th e contact plate is closed , a la rge cu r rent flow th roug h
the motor section to generate a la rge mecha n ica l power
w hich tu rns the eng i ne cra nkshaft.
At th is time, the pi n ion is moved forward by the screw spl i ne
for more cont ct.
Since the pu l l-i n coi l ends a re short-ci rcu ited by the contact
plate, the pl u nger is hel d on l y by the force of the holdi ng
coi l.
(d) Return Spring
(h) Operated by Lever
(A) When Key Switch is Released:
When Key Switch
When the key sw itch is rel eased , a cu rrent flows i nsta nta ne-
ously throug h the pu l l-i n coi l i n the opposite d irection as
shown i n F ig. Therefore, the forces of th e hold ing coi l a nd
pu l l-in coi l are ba lanced. As a resu l t, t he pl u nger i s ret urned
by the retu rn spri ng. Si mu lta neousl y, the pi nion is dis·
engaged from the ri ng gea r, the contact plate is d iscon nected,
and the starter is prom ptl y stopped by the a rmatu re brake.
(A) Construction of
Glow Plug
Glow pl ug
A glow pl ug is used for each pre-combustion cha mber of the
cy l i nder head to make sta rti ng easier.
(a) Insulating Powder
Heat Coil
(b) Housing
(d) Metal Tube
KiSC issued 09, 2007 A
(A) When Key Switch is On:
How it works:
W hen Key Switch is On:
Wh en the key sw itch is tu rned on, a cur rent flows from the
battery th rough the pu l l-i n coil i n the magnet sw itch section
to the hold i ng coi l , energizi ng the pl u nger to pu l l it i n.
At th is ti me, the pi n ion moves by the dr ive lever to engage
w ith the ri ng gea r.
(a) Battery
(b) Starter Switch
(cl Ground
(e) Spline Tube
(fl Pinion
(gl Ring Gear
(A) Starter Circuit
Содержание D1102-B
Страница 1: ...KiSC issued 09 2007 A WORKSHOP MANUAL DIESEL ENGINES D1102 B D1302 B D1402 B V1502 B V1702 B V1902 B...
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