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Fig.2-1b Wrong power configuration
2.2.2 Installation
External battery connection (for extended model only )
1) Make sure battery quantity complies with the specs. Measure the voltage of
battery bank after finishing connection and the battery voltage should be around
240VDC. Don’t mix batteries with different capacity, manufacturers and don’t mix
brand new and old batteries, either.
2) The breaker onto battery cabinet should be off.
3) Take out the connection box and remove the cover of terminals, use multi-meter
to make sure there is no DC voltage at the battery terminals of UPS.
4) Connect battery pole with positive pole, negative pole and common pole to
battery connecter(BAT+,BATN,BAT-
, don’t reverse battery connection.
It is recommended to connect or replace battery after switching off the
system; don’t reverse battery connection when doing battery hot-swapping.
Fig.2-2a YDC9310S External battery connection