7. Phase contrast device
The phase contrast device can be adapted to the fol-
lowing microscopes:
MML1500, MBL2000 and MBL2000-T
The phase contrast device MML 2032 consists of a
positive phase contrast lens with a phase lag ring (20x),
a centring ring diaphragm and a centring telescope,
dark field and bright field.
The phase contrast device MML 2031 consists of a
positive phase contrast lens with a phase lag ring (40x),
a centring ring diaphragm and a centring telescope,
dark field and bright field.
The phase contrast device MML2030 consists of a
positive phase contrast lens and a centring diaphragm
for 10x, 40x and 100x magnifications and a centring
MML 2031
MML 2030
7. Phase contrast device
7. Phase contrast device
Technical data and specifications
When examining colourless, transparent samples in
the bright field, the contrast is often too low. In order
to avoid colouring or to examining living samples,
the phase contrast method can be used.
Coloured samples can be examined because the
different components have different densities. In case
of transparent samples, details in the bright field are
not easy to examine as all components have the same
Functional principle
Depending on the object lens in use, the scale length of
10 units corresponds to:
Object lens 4x = 2500 um
Object lens 10x = 1000 um
Object lens 40x = 250 um
Object lens 100x = 100 um
Only one pointer or micrometer eyepiece should be used
for the binocular microscope as otherwise there maybe a
double image of the scale.
MML 2032
The system works according to the positive phase
contrast method. The individual phase contrast
elements have the following data:
Achromatic phase contrast lens
10x NA 0.25 with ring diaphragm in a centring mount.
Achromatic phase contrast lens
40x NA 0.65 with ring diaphragm in a centring mount.
Achromatic phase contrast lens 100x NA 1.25 for oil
immersion with diaphragm ring in a centring mount.
Centring telescope with an adjustable eyepiece.