Owner’s manual
Wi-Fi connection: Set Wi-Fi hotspot on the external device. Connect radio
to Wi-Fi hotspot. In Easy Connection app press Android Wi-Fi.
3. On the external device a message will appear: “EasyCon will start capturing
everything that’s displayed on your screen”. Confirm it to proceed.
4. The radio receiver screen will display what’s on your external device’s screen.
Steering wheel controls
1. To change steering wheel controls, go to Settings menu.
2. Go to Car Media menu.
3. Go to Steering wheel controls (SWC) menu.
4. To reset saved settings, press Clear all.
5. To change function of the button, press desired button on the device (button
will start flashing), then press button on the steering wheel.
Changing display language
1. To change display language, go to Settings menu.
2. Go to System.
3. Go to Languages and input.
4. Go to Languages.
5. Press Add a language.
6. Select language from list.
7. Selected language will be added. To activate it, move it to the top of the list.
8. Display language will be changed.
Changing wallpaper
1. To change wallpaper, press and hold empty space on the main screen.
2. Choose wallpaper source.
3. Choose wallpaper and press Set wallpaper.
Changing boot screen
1. To change startup screen, go to Settings menu.
2. Go to Car Media menu.
3. Go to Common menu.
4. Go to Boot logo menu.
5. Input code 5678.
6. Press selected startup screen, then press OK button.