Stand Mai 2019
Seite 18
Krick Modelltechnik Knittlingen
Fig. support wedges for shrouds
The masts and trees are then first stained, primed
with pore filler and then varnished matt.
Insert the cleats 7.21 and the split pin 6.14 on the
Make the cleats from railing stanchions and pieces
of wire 7.32 according to drawing I. From 3 railing
supports and 3 wire pieces you get 7 cleats and 2
door handles for the assembly doors. Two cleats
each are located at the same height on the right
and left of the mast. Another one is attached to
the bow, stern and port side bulwarks.
Fig. cleats and split pin on foremast
Bend the collars 6.6 (3 pieces on each mast) of
brass band 3 * 0.3 mm in such a way that they
correspond to the mast diameters at the respec-
tive points and overlap the ends by 3 mm. Solder
or glue the collars and glue them to the appropri-
ate places on the masts.
Then drill 1.5 mm for the split pins and 1 mm for
the wire eyelets. Wire eyelets 6.7 are made for
places where one or more blocks 6.8 are to be
fixed on one or both sides.
Fig. double wire eyelet
Fig. single wire eyelet
For the bearings 6.10 of the main boom 6.11 and
loading boom 6.12 a sleeve 6.9 d 2,5 * 6 is glued
into a split pin. Then glue the bearing parts 6.10
into the masts. The booms are drilled at the thick
ends in longitudinal direction about 12 mm deep
with d 1,5 mm. One of two shortened, interlocked
split pins, which form the mast bearing 6.13, is
glued in this hole (drawing W). Later insert the
other split pin into the bearing 6.10. This makes it
easy to move the trees to all sides.
Fig. mast bearing
If the masts are prepared in this way, the masts are
installed. For shroud eye 6.14 (shroud holder), drill
the inner handrail with d 1.5 mm according to the
plan. Inserting and gluing the split pins.
Fig. shroud holder
For the shrouds 6.16 cut sufficiently long pieces of
1 mm rigging yarn.
Split pin