Step 3, assembling the drums
Now you have to decide if the version should be built with one or two drums. Pictured is the construction
of a drum for the version with 2 drums
To help with the placement, the contour is engraved in part (9). Center the parts (9) and (10) with the aid
of the axle (25) and glue the parts (9) + (10) together. Do not stick the axle to the bearings. Slide chain
holder (16) onto part (22) or (23), do not stick together. The parts [9 + 10] + (22) + (16) + [9 + 10] to a
drum or [9 + 10] + (23) + (16) + [9 + 10] in the 2-drum version stick together. (Make 2 sets). During the
drying time of the adhesive, push the assembly aids (16) or (17) onto the side parts (9) at a 120 degree
angle. These ensure the parallelism of the two side panels. Now check again whether the finished drums
can be easily turned on the axis. Otherwise, rework the bearings carefully.
Step 4, mounting the frame
Stick the side parts (12) at right angles to the main
support (11). Then glue upper chain guide (13a) for one
winch drum or (13b) for 2 winch drums.
Step 5, mounting the axle with drums
Then install the drum axle together with the drum (s),
drivers, collars and washers between the side parts of the frame in the following order. The drum axis
must look out 10 mm from the side panel at each side. Do not tighten the set screws of the collars yet.
Order: Washer (26) - Adjusting ring with set screw [19 + 20] - Driver with rubber mushrooms - Winding
drum (1 or 2 pieces). With 2 drums place a washer (26) between these - driver with rubber mushrooms -
adjusting ring with grub screw [19 + 20] - washer (26).