Rev. Date: 12/20/21
Page 16
Belt Installation for Replacement:
1. Insert belt thru opening in frame. (See Illust. N)
2. Install bearing shim and bearing on to drive shaft.
Note: Elimi-
nate any metal burrs from drive shaft and bearing.
3. Place belt on pulleys.
4. Align all pulleys with straight edge and tighten (4) bearing bolts.
(See illust. O)
Note: Turn bottom pulley by hand to make
sure fan does not rub chamber.
5. Using spanner wrench to adjust belt tension and tighten 1/2" idler
bolt. (See illust. P)
Note: 1/2" bolt will need tightened when
adjusting with spanner wrench.
6. Install belt guards and secure with bolts.
(Illust. O)
Idler Bolt
Spanner Wrench
(Illust. P)