(SECTION ONE: About Krell continued)
A proprietary Krell circuit topology in which the audio gain stages
of a component operate in the current rather than voltage
domain. This unique technology provides the component with
exceptional speed and a wide bandwidth.
Krell HEAT, or High End Audio Theater, is a design application
incorporated into Krell components to enhance multi-channel
home entertainment systems. A Krell HEAT system is an inte-
grated home theater system consisting of a state-of-the-art
Krell preamp/processor and matching amplifiers and loud-
speakers that reproduce two-channel and multi-channel sources
with audiophile sound quality, placing listeners in the middle
of a lifelike environment.
The crossover consists of a dedicated circuit board for each
group of drive units (woofers, midranges, and tweeters). Each
crossover network employs impedance correction circuitry
that flattens impedance curves and damps the resonance of
the drive units it controls, allowing the filter circuits to operate
under nearly ideal conditions.
Krell Current Mode
Krell HEAT
Definition of Terms
Following are the definitions of key terms used in your owner’s reference manual.