VS-1616D-MD - Using the Configuration Menus
2. Press MENU until a display similar to the following is shown:
OUT: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
SET: X X X X 0 0 0 0 X X X
X indicates that there are no modifiable parameters for the associated port
and 0 indicates that there are modifiable parameters for the associated port.
3. Press TAKE to enter the list of ports.
The cursor flashes on a selected port.
4. Select the required port to modify using the left and right arrow buttons.
5. Press TAKE to enter the parameters list.
A message similar to the following is displayed with the relevant port number
in place of 06:
OUT: 06
SET: 36.Reset SubBoard
6. To select the next parameter press the right arrow button. (See the table at
the end of this section for available parameters.)
7. To enter the displayed parameter press TAKE.
The parameter options are displayed.
8. Select the required action or number using the keypad numbers and arrows.
9. Press TAKE to save the change.
: The parameter change is not implemented on the system until you
press TAKE.
10. Repeat from Step 6 to modify other parameters
11. Do one of the following:
Press BREAKAWAY to exit the Config Menu
Wait approximately 15 seconds for the operation to time out
Press MENU to exit to the parameter list