Operating the PIP-4 Locally
Operating the PIP-4 Using the Mouse
The mouse control operates in the following manner:
Left-click on a pane to select it
Click and hold within a pane, and drag to move it
Click and hold on the border of a pan, and drag to change the size and aspect
ratio of the pane. Dragging the border of a pane over the opposite border of
the pane flips the pane over (mirrors the pane)
Right click anywhere to display the OSD Menu
In the OSD Menu, left click to navigate the OSD and modify parameters
If there is no mouse activity for 20 seconds, the OSD closes automatically.
To change the brightness of Input 2:
1. Left-click on the input 2 pane.
2. Right-click to display the OSD.
3. Use the mouse to navigate to Utility > Brightness.
4. Left-click on Brightness.
The Brightness parameter setting is displayed.
5. Modify the setting to the required value using the Brightness left and right
6. Click on the X to close the OSD.
To vertically mirror the Input 3 pane:
1. Right-click to display the OSD.
2. Use the mouse to navigate to Display > Source.
3. Click on the Source Video right arrow to select Input 3.
4. Click Mirror V.
5. Click on the X to close the OSD.