Assembly left flap as sketched above. Don't forget to insert flap_horn_L part between flap_L_1 and
flap_L_2. Flap horn should stick out from the bottom side of the wing. When all the parts are in
their position, put glue on contact points where carbon spars are touching printed parts. Put also a
bit of glue on trailing edge where all the flap sections are touching each other.
Aileron and flap to wing
To complete wing assembly attach aileron and flap to the wing.
Hinge slots are not deep enough to fit whole hinge length. Shorten all
hinges as shown on the picture. It has no benefit in terms of added stiffness
of rigidity to use whole hinge arm length as only small hinge area is in
contact with the wing.
Be very careful when using glue near pinned part of the hinge. First insert the hinge into hinge hole
and then apply the glue from inner side of the wing. Do the same when gluing aileron to hinge. First
insert all hinges into hinge holes on aileron/flap and then apply glue from inner side of aileron/flap.
Make sure that aileron and flap have enough space for moving from every side. There should be a
gap of minimum 1 mm on each side of each moving surface.