Page 13
Vacuum ash drawer opening, ash door and ash door hinge.
10. Replace the ash drawer.
11. Close and latch the ash door.
12. Clean the glass with a Windex type glass cleaner. If the film is difficult to remove, wipe towel in ashes
and gently wipe on glass.
13. Close and latch front door.
If this stove is used on a daily basis, the following procedures must be performed at least every other month
during the heating season. These steps include all steps in the ‘weekly maintenance’ procedures. More
or less frequent maintenance may be required depending on operation use and amount of fuel burned.
OPTIONAL: It is a good idea to place a drop cloth down around the stove to protect floor covering and
surrounding furnishings from becoming dusty.
Whisk broom or soft bristled paintbrush, a Shop Vac or the like.
CAUTION: When using a vacuum, all debris, ashes, etc. must be completely
cooled. Do not use a vacuum to clean hot debris unless it has been
designed to do so.
Unlatch and open the front door.
Vacuum inner door ledge.
Loosen, but do not remove the (2) nuts securing the hearth extension shelf, (nuts located underneath
the hearth extension), refer to page 1. Lift the shelf up and off the mounting bolts. Set aside for later
Remove the log set assembly. Use a dry, soft brush or vacuum to remove debris.
IMPORTANT: Do not use water, submerse in water or use a wet cloth to clean the log set assembly.
Brush debris inside the firebox into the ash drawer or vacuum.
Remove the burn pot (A) from the firebox. Clean and check for blocked port holes. Refer to pg. 12.
Remove the (3) nuts securing the mounting
plate for the ash drop pans. Remove the
plate and ash drop pans. Clean ash pans
and check for blocked port holes.
Remove nuts securing mounting plate.