Ultra KDR Panel Configuration and Calibration Guide v1.1
Customer Support
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8. At the
Please input panel Id:
type the Panel Serial Number listed on the
back of the panel.
Figure 18 Aero SDK Library Sample Program
command line
9. Press Enter.
10. At the
XG-IFBox No.
prompt, type “1”
and press Enter.
11. At the
Please input Number Of Trials [1-
prompt, type “8” (Recommended)
and press Enter.
12. After configuration is complete, the
application will display the message,
Exposure Waiting.
Figure 19
13. In Tech Service, adjust techniques to 80
KvP, 10ms, and 100 mA.
14. When ready, take your first exposure.
15. If the “Recommended Technique” is low or
high. The application will prompts you to
adjust your technique by a percentage (Ex:
Signal too Low, Adjust by 25%).
16. If technique meets requirements continue
with next exposure when the Exposure
Waiting message is displayed.
Figure 20
17. Continue, repeating exposure until you have
reached number of trials that was defined.
18. Once the last exposure is complete, the
following message is displayed.
Figure 21
19. Close the sample application.
20. Exit Tech Service.
1.4.3 Verify calibration
It is important to test exposures using a test patient
to verify calibration. For information on how to take
exposures, see the “Ultra DR User Quick Guide”.