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Availability of spare parts  

We recommend that the operator is provided with a number of key spares that are in stock in order to enhance 
the  availability of the fan.  All  data required for  ordering  of spare parts is compiled  in the spare  parts  list.  Our 
warranty covers only original spare parts supplied by our company. 



  under normal conditions of use foreseen by these operation & maintenance instructions and with regular 

maintenance the motor working life is more longer 

  The manufacturer assures the availability of spare parts in the period of time up to 7 years including also 

the period of time under which the warranty is valid. Service at manufacturer is possible also for products 
older than 7 years  with special contracting conditions 

  All production documentation is available 10 years after the production cease date of the particular  type 

  For packing we are using ecological materials which can be recycled, stored or destroyed. In this purpose, 

packing materials are marked properly.  

  When you stop using fans, please be careful not to burden the enviroment. Hand it over to authorised 




Breakdowns in duty or damages detected on products prior to the expiry of warranty 
need to be, if they are induced with material faults or bad manufacturing quality, 
reported to 

manufacturer KONČAR - MES d.d. indicating the following data : 


the number of packing list or invoice of the delivered product 


catalogue mark of the deficient product (serial and code number) 


the reason of claim, description of the defect, related photos or videos 

Remark: the description 

“doesn´t work”


won´t be accepted, please state the problem 

Occured.  Breakdowns  in  duty  or  damages  due  to  inadequate  use  and  careless  transportation  /storage  / 
connecting, are not considered as justified warranty claims during period of warranty. The same is valid also if 
the produ

ct, before it’s return to the manufacturer, was disassembled during period of warranty. 



Quality  management  system  introduced  in 


  is  certified  in  accordance  with  the  requests 

stated in ISO  9001. Based on this, regular work of our products is assured  with rigorous process control and 
final  inspection  prior  to  shipment  to  the  customer,  on  the  grounds  of  which  the  warranty  is  issued.  If  despite 
this,  irregular  operation  or  disturbance  in  duty  would  occur,  caused  by  bad  manufacturing  quality  or  material 
fault, we commit ourselves to cover the costs of repair and reestablish guaranteed validity of the product. 
Warranty is valid for 

12 months

 in accordance with the General terms of sale or according to the contract from 

the day of product sale/collection. The customer is obliged to follow the operation and maintenance instructions 
attached to every product. 
In case of complaint and reclamation to the delivered product the customer is obliged to provide the packing list 
or inovice, which is also valid as warranty. 
If by inspection 


 establishes that the malfunction is caused by a product defect within the 

warranty period, and in accordance with the warranty, 


  will  bear  all  repair  costs.  If  it  is  found  that  the  cause  of  malfunction  on  the  product  is 

outside the warranty period, the customer will bear all costs of repair. 
Customer will lose his warranty claims in case of: 


mechanical damage caused by the customer 


improper use or disassembly of the product, failure to comply with the given 


unauthorized disassembly of the product 


mechanical, chemical, thermal or any other damage as a result of aggressive 
environment or bad weather conditions 


dissatisfaction with the performance caused by improper product selection 
application with technically non-conforming products 


poor maintenance of the product as well as replacing parts of the product with 
unoriginal ones. 


 will not be held responsible for the loss of income, loss due to the 

inability of use, interruption of production, lost jobs or indirect, immaterial, collateral or 
consequential damage to the customer or any third party. 

Содержание VAAZ ABC Series

Страница 1: ...koncar mes hr UPUTE ZA INSTALACIJU UPORABU I ODRŽAVANJE CENTRIFUGALNI I AKSIJALNI VENTILATORI INSTALLATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CENTRIFUGAL AND AXIAL FANS Zahvaljujemo Vam što ste kupili naš ventilator Molimo Vas da prije početka ugradnje i korištenja pažljivo pročitate ove upute Thank you for purchasing our fan Before installation and use please read these instructions carefully...

Страница 2: ...0EMC150049 KONČAR IET Low Voltage Directive 2014 35 EU This certificate of conformity is according to module A Internal production control Fan equipment can be used within installations which themselves meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive MC 2006 42 EC ErP 2009 125 EC Directive This certificate of conformity is according 2009 125 EC Directive and Commission Regulation EU No 327 2011 t...

Страница 3: ...nost Sigurnosni savjet Štetne tvari Opasnost zagađenja okoliša Općenita uputa Opasnost od električne struje ili visokog napona Vruća površina Opasnost od gnječenja Obavezno nošenje zaštitne kacige Opasnost Rizik od pada visećeg tereta ...

Страница 4: ...tvornice D broj usisa 1U jedan usis 2U dva usisa 4U četiri usisa i rotacija D desno CW L lijevo CCW s točkom gledišta definiranom u stupnjevima prema DIN 6885 E promjer usisa u mm promjer ispuha u mm F oznaka pogona D direktan pogon R remenski pogon S pogon preko spojke nije ex izvedba i brzina vrtnje u o min G podaci o elektromotoru kao što slijedi IEC veličina n pr M225 IEC oblik n pr B5 snaga m...

Страница 5: Statički tlak proizveden na ispuhu ventilatora Total pressure Totalni tlak proizveden na ispuhu ventilatora statički dinamički tlak Tm Gustoća na deklariranoj temperaturi medija n Deklarirana brzina motora u okretajima po minuti o min U i f Napon i spoj te frekvencija Mass Cat Over eff Eff grade Kategorija mjerenja Efikasnost i klasa effikasnosti u skladu s Dirkctivom 2009 125 EC P1 Ulazna snag...

Страница 6: ...a zaštite opreme EPL prema EN 60079 0 EPL b visoka razina zaštite te samim time visok stupanj sigurnosti II 2D Ex h tb IIIC T130 T160 C Db A B C D E F G H II 2D Ex h tb IIIC T135ºC T160ºC Db A Oznaka električne opreme za korištenje u eksplozivnoj atmosferi B Oznaka skupine II sve skupine osim za rudarstvo C Oznaka kategorije uređaja 2D prašina Zona 21 i 22 D Oznaka vrste protueksplozijske zaštite ...

Страница 7: ...ator je sigurni uređaj Nepropisan rad ili upotreba za namjenu koja je u suprotnosti s naznačenom može dovesti u opasnost osobe i imovinu te oštetiti uređaj Ove upute su obvezujuće za sve osobe uključene u ugradnju rastavljanje i sastavljanje pokretanje rad održavanje kontrolu servis i popravke jedinice u prostorijama operatera Sve osobe uključene u navedene radnje moraju pročitati kompletan priruč...

Страница 8: na ležajnim mjestima 3 2 Upute za skladištenje Skladištite ventilator na mjestu zaštićenom od vremenskih uvjeta u originalnom pakiranju pokrijte otvorene palete nepromočivom tkaninom i zaštitite ventilator od prljavštine n pr strugotine kamenčići žice i t d Temperatura skladištenja između 0 C i 40 C izbjegavati ekstremne vrućine i hladnoće Prilikom držanja ventilatora u skladištu pristup neovla...

Страница 9: ...m ugradnje Ventilator mora biti postavljen na takav način da bude pravilno okrenut u skladu sa zahtijevanim smjerom protoka zraka Strelica koja pokazuje smjer protoka zraka se nalazi na natpisnoj pločici ventilatora Prije kontrole smjera rotacije Uklonite bilo kakva strana tijela iz ventilatora Zarotirajte impeler ručno kako bi provjerili slobodnu vrtnju Ako impeler dotiče usisni konus olabavite u...

Страница 10: ...ije zamijenite poziciju izvoda Z1 crno i Z2 narančasto promjena smjera struje u sekundarnom namotu 5 Upute za uporabu Započnite s uporabom samo nakon postavljanja ventilatora u skladu s propisima Ako se ventilator pokrene u uvjetima slobodnog strujanja npr prije spajanja na sustav kanala potrošnja struje može priječi nazivnu struju zabranjeno područje ventilatorske karakteristike Termalna zaštita ...

Страница 11: ...značenog karakteristikom Isto tako protok je pulsirajući i čuje se dubok zavijajući zvuk U takvom slučaju treba smanjiti gubitke uređaja budući da je RAD U PODRUČJU PUMPNE KARAKTERISTIKE ZABRANJEN Ventilator radi s najmanjim gubicima ako su usis i ispuh bez prepreka U ventilatorima koji prenose prašne i prljave plinove rotor može postati prekriven česticama prašine stvarajući naslage različitih de...

Страница 12: ...intervale zamjenjivanja molimo da se obratite uputama za podmazivanje gdje čete isto tako naći i detaljne specifikacije nanesene masti Ova informacija je isto tako prikazana na tipskoj pločici ventilatora otprilike podmazujte kuglične ležajeve u intervalima od otprilike 3 6 mjeseci Za sve ostale veličine kuglični ležajevi imaju svojstvo doživotne podmazanosti Potrebno ih je zamijeniti nakon što pr...

Страница 13: ...ima s remenskim pogonom pregledajte remen i njegov mehanizam Osigurajte čisto područje Namjestite napetost remena za otklon 9 Na izoliranim motorima odvojite rotor i pregledajte sklop koji se nalazi iza pločice koja drži brtvu vratila motora Zamijenite brtvu ako je oštećena 10 Pregledajte zračnost između vršaka lopatica i kanala ventilatora Provjerite kut i sigurnost lopatica rotora Osigurajte da ...

Страница 14: ...lom C Za ovo povucite mjernu skalu pod kutom od 90 stupnjeva od remenske staze Pročitajte dubinu utiska na skali D vučnog pokazivača Odnos sile zatezanja p F pritiskivanja g F i progiba može se izraziti prema slijedećoj približnoj formuli N F f a F g p 20 10 cos 25 0 Iznos sile g F za remene određuje se prema veličini presjeka s tim da progib ne bude manji od a f 016 0 a osni razmak a za remene iz...

Страница 15: ...ane spojeve stegnite po potrebi ponovo stegnite ili zamijenite V remene V remeni škripe jer nisu dovoljno zategnuti Kompletno namještanje Motor izvan balansa Izmjerite vibracije rebalansirajte motor Električni kvar na motoru Kontaktirajte proizvođača Preopterećenje motora Rotor grebe Pregledajte položaj provjerite vijčane spojeve Srednja temperatura pre niska Povećajte srednju temperaturu pri nisk...

Страница 16: ...upotrijebljen novi materijal za brtvljenje i da se provede test na curenje 8 2 Povišene temperature Za ventilatore namijenjene prijenosu vrućeg medija temperature 80 C obratite pažnju na slijedeće Osigurajte da se vruče površine ne mogu dodirivati ugradnjom izolacije zaštitnih mreža štitnika i znakova upozorenja Kako bi osigurali da se ne premaši nominalna snaga motora zatvorite zaklopku ispuha ti...

Страница 17: ...te pažnju na slijedeće Ako je moguće trebala bi se izbjegavati dodatna opterećenja zbog velikih ubrzanja i kočenja Mi preporučamo upravljanje ventilatorima sa slijedećim vremenima pokretanja Vanjski promjer rotora Vrijeme pokretanja 1000 mm 30 s 1000 d 2000 mm 60 s Frekvencijski pretvarač mora blokirati rezonantne frekvencije Učestalost prijelaza preko takvih frekvencija mora biti svedena na minim...

Страница 18: ...vode starije od 7 godina uz posebne uvjete ugovaranja dokumentacija proizvoda na raspolaganju je 10 godina nakon prestanka proizvodnje za pakiranje koristimo ekološke materijale koji se bez opasnosti po okoliš ponovo prerađuju recikliraju deponiraju ili uništavaju U tu svrhu i ambalažni materijali su odgovarajuće označeni Kada prestanete koristiti ventilator pazite da ne bude teret okolišu Predajt...

Страница 19: ...jemu je proizvod kupljen a koji vrijedi ujedno kao i garancija Ukoliko se uvidom utvrdi da je uzrok kvara greška na proizvodu unutar garantnog roka a sve u skladu s jamstvenim pravima troškove servisa snosit će KONČAR MES d d Ukoliko se uvidom utvrdi da je uzrok kvara greška na proizvodu izvan garantnog roka troškove servisa snositi će naručitelj Jamstvena prava kupac gubi u slučaju mehaničkog ošt...

Страница 20: Safety advice Hazardous substances Risk of damage to the environment General instruction Danger from electric current or high voltage Hot surface Crush danger Wearing safety helmet is compulsory Danger Risk of damage from suspended load ...

Страница 21: ... standard D number of intakes 1U one intake 2U two intakes 4U four intakes and rotation D to the right CW L to the left CCW with position defined in degrees according to DIN 6885 E suction diameter in mm exaust diameter in mm F drive designation D direct drive R belt drive S clutch drive and rotation speed in r p m G electromotor data as followed IEC size i e M225 IEC shape i e B5 motor power in k...

Страница 22: ...nput power Input power of the fan measuring on motor in kW Ir Running current in A Meas cat Measuring category according to Directive 2009 125 EC Over eff Eff grade Overall efficiency and efficiency grade according to Directive 2009 125 EC VSD Variable Speed Drive indication Y or N Tmin max The rated min and max environment temperature at which the fan is designed to operate in Tm Density at the s...

Страница 23: ...level of protection and therefore a high degree of safety II 2D Ex h tb IIIC T130 T160 C Db A B C D E F G H II 2D Ex h tb IIIC T135ºC T160ºC Db A Electrical apparatus suited for use in explosive atmospheres mark B Site of use mark II all other sites of use except mining C Apparatus category mark 2D dust zone 21 and 22 D Type of protection of fan h non electrical equpment E Type of ex protection ma...

Страница 24: ...and lead to damage of the unit These instructions are binding for all persons involved in the installation dismantling and assembly commissioning operation maintenance inspection servicing and repair of the unit at the operator s premises All persons involved in the above work must read the entire manual We recommend that the operator requests staff to sign a declaration to this fact Proper use is...

Страница 25: be sufficiently rated to carry the starting current as indicated on the motor nameplate but they should be regarded as only protecting the wiring against the effects of short circuits or earth faults The fuses are not suitable for overload protection ...

Страница 26: ...tween 0 C and 40 C avoid extreme heat and cold temperature When fan assemblies are retained in storage access by unauthorized persons must be prevented with the use of guards barriers or secure premises such that fan impellers that may be rotating windmilling do not present a hazard The fan may not be stored outdoors except in case when specially noted Where the fan is delivered in a original pack...

Страница 27: ...n The fan must be installed such that it is correctly positioned in accordance with the required airflow direction An airflow indication arrow is shown on the fan nameplate Before control of direction of rotation Remove any foreign matter from the fan Rotate impeller by hand to check free running If the impeller contacts the inlet cone loosen the inlet cone at the side bottom of the housing and re...

Страница 28: with ordinances If the fan is started under free blow conditions i e prior to connecting to duct system the current consumption may exceed the rated current forbidden area of the fan curve Thermal protection of motor may activate 6 1 General safety instructions Inspect all safety devices to ensure that they are properly mounted Remove all foreign objects from the interior of the fan and the ...

Страница 29: ... after prolonged shutdown the machine is running unevenly check the impeller for wear and deposits Worn impellers must be replaced Caked impellers must be cleaned by the operator When starting the unit for continuous operation we recommend regularly checking the power consumption of the motor If at the start up of the fan the temperature of the air is below the projected operating temperature the ...

Страница 30: ...has elapsed When operating the fan at its limit maintenance work could be necessary The ball bearings have been lubricated for life After the life time lubricant inside the bearings is used up the bearings must be exchanged The grease life time of the bearings is for normal use at 900 min 1 40000 hours at 14000 min 1 30000 hours at 2800 min 1 15000 hours Independent of the working hours bearings s...

Страница 31: ...urrent 8 On motors with a belt drive inspect the belt and its mechanism Ensure the area is clean Set the belt tension for deflection 9 On bifurcated motors remove the impeller and inspect the packing located behind the motor shaft seal retaining plate Replace the seal if it is damaged 10 Examine the clearance between the fan blade tips and the fan duct Check the angle and the security of the impel...

Страница 32: ...ll the measuring gauge at a 90 degrees angle away from the belt run Read the depth of impression on scale D of the trailing pointer Relation of the belt tension force p F pressure g F and deflection can be expressed by the following approximate equation N F f a F g p 20 10 cos 25 0 Value of force g F for belts is determined according to its cross section with keeping the deflection not smaller tha...

Страница 33: ...misalignment Inspect position check screw connections retighten if necessary retighten or replace V belts V belts are making squealing noise as the are not sufficiently tightened Complete set Motor out of balance Measure vibrations rebalance motor Electrical fault at the motor Contact the manufacturer Motor overload Impeller drags Inspect position check screw connections Medium temperature too low...

Страница 34: material is used and a leakage test is carried out 9 2 Increased temperatures For fans that are intended for conveying of hot media temperatures 80 C observe the following Ensure that hot surfaces cannot be touched by attaching insulation protective grids guards and warning signs In order to ensure that nominal motor power is not exceeded close the outlet flap while the fan is being cold start...

Страница 35: ... layer on the fan and to clean the surface with wet rag 9 4 Frequency converter In relation to frequency converters and speed control please note the following Extra loads due to fast acceleration and breaking should be avoided if possible We recommend operating the fan with the following run up times outer diameter of impeller Run up time 1000 mm 30 s 1000 d 2000 mm 60 s The frequency converter m...

Страница 36: ...manufacturer was disassembled during period of warranty 14 DECLARATION OF WARRANTY Quality management system introduced in KONČAR MES d d is certified in accordance with the requests stated in ISO 9001 Based on this regular work of our products is assured with rigorous process control and final inspection prior to shipment to the customer on the grounds of which the warranty is issued If despite t...

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