to produce a clean straight cut.
A 7 in 1 spanner tool (D1269) can also be used to remove hosing from the push in fitting. Insert the hose into the
groove in the center of the spanner and use the spanner to press in on the collet while pulling on the hose.
After your taps are attached and your kegs are connected to your NOMAD you can then hook CO
up to your keg
and set the pressure based on your desired carbonation level and the ambient temperature according to a carbonation
chart (page 4).
The pressure to be set on your regulator differs according to the temperature that the keg is stored at. If the product
is stored at a higher temperature it will require a higher pressure to maintain the desired level of carbonation. Refer to
a carbonation chart to determine what pressure you should be setting your regulator at to reach your desired level of
carbonation based on the ambient temperature the keg is stored in.
For most styles of beer, you should be aiming for a carbonation level of between 2.3–2.8 volumes of carbonation with
the average carbonation level being 2.6 volumes (if you are unsure of the carbonation level of the beer i.e. if it is a com-
mercial keg then assume it is at 2.6 volumes of carbonation). To achieve a specific carbonation level during carbonation
or priming refer to the table below and correlate the temperature of the keg with the desired carbonation level.
Do not try to fix a slow or fast pour rate by adjusting the dispensing pressure. This will result in your beer either
going flat or over carbonated. It is best to adjust the beverage line length and diameter. If the pour is too fast and foamy
increase the length of the beverage line between the KRYO and the keg. If the pour is too slow decrease the length of
the beverage line between the KRYO and the keg.
How To Read the Carbonation Chart
First, choose the average temperature of the beer on the left side of the chart, and then find the level of carbonation
you want in the center of the chart. Once you have determined the carbonation level, follow the column up to the top
of the chart to find your PSI setting.
See Carbonation Cart on Page 4