3 Mounting procedure
Inappropriate handling with all magnetic parts of the ICH linear system could cause a haz-
ardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Power magnetic fields and mechanical forces developed by the magnet plates (MHC) can
create hazards to personnel through chipping, shattering, or pinching, upon impact. When-
ever possible, leave the protective cardboard and steel plates on the magnets. Keep hand
tools and equipment away from the magnet plate. Use extreme caution when installing the
coil assembly over the magnet plate.
Due to the high magnetic attractive forces of the magnet way (MCH), exercise extreme cau-
tion during handling and installation to avoid damage to equipment or personnel injury.
Kollmorgen will assume no responsibility if these mounting recommendations are not fol-
Always wear gloves when working on the ICH linear motor.
1. Remove waxed paper directly before mounting.
Avoid degreasing of mounting surface and touching with bare fingers (use gloves).
2. Mount and fix the customer’s interface on the forcer (the primary part of the ICH linear motor) with the fixing
screws. Tighten the screws with torque 1.7 Nm in 3 stages crosswise from centre to 40%, 70%, 100% of tight-
ening torque 1.7 Nm.
ICH Installation Guide | 3 Mounting procedure
Kollmorgen | April 2017