TP-5631 7/96
Operation 2-1
Section 2. Operation
Prestart Checklist
To ensure continued satisfactory operation, check the
following items before each startup and at regular
intervals. Refer to the engine service manual for
specific service procedures.
AIr Cleaner.
Keep air cleaner element clean. Install
element to keep unfiltered air from entering engine.
Ensure tight battery connections. Maintain full
battery electrolyte level.
Coolant Level (liquid-cooled models only).
level after the engine has cooled. Maintain coolant level
at just below the overflow tube on the radiator filler neck.
Open air-bleed petcocks, if equipped, when filling
radiator. Close air-bleed petcock when coolant begins
to flow from petcock. If equipped with a coolant
recovery tank, maintain level in tank between 1/3 full
(cold) and 2/3 full (hot). Use a coolant solution of 50%
ethylene glycol and 50% clean, softened water to inhibit
A coolant solution of 50% ethylene glycol provides
freezing protection of --34
F (--37
C) and overheating
protection to 265
F (129
C). A coolant solution with less
than 50% ethylene glycol may not provide adequate
freezing and overheating protection. A coolant solution
with more than 50% ethylene glycol can cause engine or
component damage. Do not use alcohol or methanol
antifreeze or mix them with the specified coolant.
Consult the engine manufacturer’s operation manual for
engine coolant specifications.
Do not add coolant to a hot engine. Wait until engine has
cooled. Adding coolant to a hot engine can cause the
cylinder block or cylinder head to crack.
Do not energize block heater before filling cooling
system. Before energizing block heater, run engine until
it is warm and refill radiator to purge air from the system.
Immerse heater element in coolant to prevent block
heater failure.
Exhaust System.
Keep exhaust outlet clear. Keep
silencer and piping tight and in good condition.
Fuel Level.
Keep tank(s) full to ensure adequate fuel
Lamp Test.
Press the lamp test button (if equipped) to
verify operation of all controller LEDs.
Oil Level.
Maintain oil level at or near full mark on
dipstick but not over.
Keep the oil level in the
mechanical governor (if equipped) at or near the full
Operating Area.
Check for obstructions that could
block the flow of cooling air. Keep the air intake area
clean. Do not leave rags, tools, or debris on or near the
generator set.
Exercising the Generator
Run the generator set under load once each week for
one hour. Perform this exercise in the presence of an
operator if the generator set does not have an automatic
transfer switch with an exercise option.
Operator should perform all prestart checks before
starting the exercise procedure. While the generator set
is running, listen for a smooth-running engine and
visually inspect the generator set to ensure there are no
fluid or exhaust leaks.
Start the generator set according to the starting
procedure in the controller section of this manual.