Wattage Information
Some appliances need a “
” or “in rush” of power at start up. This means that the
amount of electrical power needed to start the appliance may exceed the amount needed
to maintain its use. Refer to the appliance for its maximum starting power.
Electrical appliances and tools normally come with a label indicating voltage, cycles (HZ),
amperage and electrical power needed to run the appliance or tool. If the appliance
does not have this information in watts - but does have it in voltage & amperage - simply
multiply them together to get the power in watts.
(Power in watts = voltage x amperage)
The majority of troubles with generator units are with the engine. Please refer to the
Honda Engine manual if engine troubles arise. If problem persists please contact your
local Honda dealer.
Engine fails to start
Fuel level is low
Refi ll fuel tank making sure
not to overfi ll
Oil Level is low
Fill oil to proper level
Fuel strainer cock closed
Open fuel strainer cock
Choke lever is not in the
proper position
Place chose lever “close”
Spark plug loose or dirty
1. If loose, push spark plug
cap back into place
2. Remove spark plug and
clean electrodes
See Honda owner’s manual
or contact your local Honda
Dealer for assistance
No Power
No-fuse breaker is “0”
After making sure that
the total wattage of the
electrical appliance is with
in permissible limits and
there are no defects in the
appliance, turn the no-fuse
breaker to the “1” position
The GFCI receptacle has
tripped or has not been set
Press the reset button in the
GFCI receptacle
Voltage is too low
Engine speed is too low
Contact your local Kodiak
dealer for assistance