Alternate Threading
for Silent Pictures
Draw off about five feet of leader.
Insert the leader between the upper
sprocket and clamp, engage the per-
with the sprocket teeth, and
close the clamp. (S~e Figure 4.)
Place the leader between the top and
bottom edge guides of the channel.
Form the upper loop as shown and close
the gate by pressing on the gate latch.
Form the lower loop as shown and
thread the leader between the lower
sprocket and clamp. Engage the per-
with the sprocket teeth and
close the clamp.
Turn the thread knob to engage the
pulldown claw in the leader per-
Pass the leader over the snubber roller
and under the two rollers on the bottom
of the master control cover. Insert the
end of the leader into the slot in the
core of the take-up reel. Take up the
slack between the lower sprocket and
the take-up reel.
While the projector
is running forward,
set the speed selector at SI LENT. Be
sure to turn the motor off momentarily
after changing from SOUND to SILENT
speeds unless the shutter has been
locked in the 3-blade position as shown
in Figure 8. (See KODAKSUPER-40
Shutter, page 10.)
NOTE: Project at SILENT speed;
rewind at SOUND speed, for
faster rewind.
Check Setup and
Run the Show
Turn the thread knob clockwise a few
times to check the threading.
The pull-
down claw must engage the perforations
and the sprockets must feed the film.
The loops must be maintained
in their
correct sizes. The leader should be taut
between the supply reel and the upper
Move the master control to MOTOR
(FORWARD) and see that the film is
running through properly; then move
the master control to LAMP.
Focus the image on the screen by
rotating the lens.
Turn the FRAMINGSCREW(Figure 4) to
eliminate any blank strip on the edge
of the next picture that shows at the
top or bottom of the screen image.
Adjust the volume control to provide
listening for the audience.
Focus the sound optics to get the best
quality of sound reproduction
by mov-
ing the SOUNDFOCUSLEVERup or down.
See that the film is being taken up
For sound projection
Check the
lower loop. If necessary, depress and
release the loop-forming
roller. This can
be done with the projector
To operate
in reverse,
move the master control to REVERSE
the sound volume to a minimum to
avoid reverse sound.)
After the last frame of sound film has
been projected, turn down the volume.
This will eliminate the sounds that
occur when the end of the film is feed-
ing through the projector.