iwitec Confidential Documentation 8
Temperature Report
Temperature report is sent by LAS-604V3 at every predefined period. The period can be changed by downlink
command. The length of temperature report depends on how many temperature records in a single report.
Status Report
Status report is sent by LAS-604V3 at power-on and when LAS-604V3 getting downlink command.
Temperature Alarm
Temperature alarm is sent by LAS-604V3 when the read temperature is out of allowable range.
Downlink Setting Command
Downlink setting command is sent by server to LAS-604V3 for changing period of temperature report and
detection. Once LAS-604V3 getting a downlink command, it should send back a status report for
(1 Byte)
(2 Bytes)
(2 Bytes)
. . .
Temperature Report
FPort: 200
Battery: The most significant bit indicates low voltage.
The least significant 7 bits is battery voltage multiplying 10.
EX: 0x98 (1001 1000)
low voltage and 2.4v
Temperature: Signed integer, big-endian, multiplies 10.
(1 Byte)
TX Period
(1 Byte)
Detection Period
(1 Byte)
Lowest Allowable
Temp. (2 Bytes)
Status Report
FPort: 201
Temperature: Signed integer, big-endian, multiplies 10.
Highest Allowable
Temp. (2 Bytes)
TX Period: Unsigned integer presents period of temperature report in hour, can be 1 to 24.
Detection Period: Unsigned integer presents period of temperature detection in minute, can be 1 to 30.
(2 Bytes)
Temperature Alarm
FPort: 202
Temperature: Signed integer, big-endian, multiplies 10.