: www.kisankraft.com
: +91.80. 22178200
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3. Pour the compounded medicinal liquid through the filter into the container slowly, then
close the cap tightly and put the machine on your back.
4. After the pressure in the air chamber is boosted swing the operation arm and then
press the switch component to begin spray operation.
5. It can be point-spray or it can be continuous spray. At the same time adjust the nut
according to the requirement of the crops in order to improve the quality of spraying.
6. Choose the different spray-head for spraying correctly. Along with the machine 3 kinds
of spray heads are delivered.
Fan style spray:
This sprays evenly and is
suitable for spraying on low and short
stalked crops and for the spraying of weed
killer. Keep the spray head stable and
spray in the same direction as the wind.
Conical spray head:
This can be used for
spraying pesticide and insecticide, to
prevent diseases and kill insects. Spray in
the same direction as the wind.
4 Hole adjustable spray:
This can be
used for spraying on the high stalk crops
and fruit trees. Its shortcoming is the
serious running off the medicinal liquid.
1. Introduction to the function
As shown in the figure, Control system is installed on one side of the cover: Voltmeter, Speed
Regulator, Charging Plug and a Power Switch.
Indicate over-discharge, over-charge and normal service condition.
Adjust the rotating speed of the pump to make the pump work stably,
achieving the result of spraying stabilization.
Charging plug
: Linked with charger to transmit energy to the battery.
Power switch
: Control the connection between the power and diaphragm pump.
Under voltage protector
) :
Linked with speed regulator to protect the battery.
When the battery voltage reached the preset protecting voltage 9.5-10V
buzzer rings
indicating that you should stop working to charge battery for maintenance
2. Charging the Battery:
The new machine must be charged before using.
If a machine is stored for a long time, it must be charged before use.
Charging with the special charger
Please untie the belt and back mat to disclose the battery completely. There are two plugs on
the plate, one is connected to electric power, usually there is a plug connected to an electric
pump to supply power, and the other jack is used to connect with the plug of the charger.