Time Delay
Key Release Unit (Type TDKRU)
The TDKRU is comprised of two key interlocks, a timing device, a solenoid, and an indicating light.
The unit is available housed in an aluminum enclosure or unhoused with front cover only. All
electrical components are wired out to a terminal block. See the wiring diagram on page 6.
The TDKRU is a two key device. The secondary key is held in the unit until the initiating key is
inserted and turned starting the time delay sequence. The initiating key will come from an interlock
on the equipment being de-energized (such as a capacitor bank or rotating equipment). Inserting and
rotating the initiating key begins the time delay sequence. After the predetermined delay, the
indicating light illuminates permitting the secondary key to be turned and released thereby trapping
the initiating key in the TDKRU. The secondary key can now be safely utilized on related key
interlocked equipment (such as a ground switch or access door).
Instruction Manual for:
Solenoid Key Release Unit and Time Delay Key Release Unit