Installation and initial operation
Functions of the buttons and rollers
The functions of the buttons and rollers are shown with symbols that are shown to
the users on the terminal display:
In doing so, the functions that are associated with the functional scope of the
tiltrotator, are individually assigned to each user profile. All other input functions
are directly linked to the excavator control system and are set up centrally in a
single operation. The assignment for the individual information about buttons and
rollers is set in the "User profiles" menu. This menu item is part of the extended
range of functions. The selection of the symbols for the functions of the excavator
can be set in the "Joystick assignment" menu.
The functions are shown with the following symbols:
Functions of the excavator control
Open grab
Close grab
Open shell-grab
Close shell-grab
Rotate shell-grab clockwise
Rotate shell-grab counter-clockwise
Slow traverse
Low rotation speed
Reduce rotation speed
Rapid traverse
High rotation speed
Electric potential