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King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd.
Ver 1.3
Cellular IoT Gateway
(3) In "Serial Port" setting page, device parameter as below:
A) Choose RS485 as "Transparent Transmission";
B) Baud Rate, Data Bit, Parity Bit, Stop Bit setting should be corresponding with items, otherwise
communication will be failure. If multiple items, all items parameter should corresponding with device;
C) No need set: "Scan Rate", "Time Out", "Slave Fault Verify Time";
D) Click "Save" button.
The device ID which connect to RS485 can’t be same with S257’s device ID.
8.7 Device connect to cloud Application
Device can connect to cloud and SCADA via GPRS/3G/4G network, also can connect to clients own server and
King Pigeon cloud server. King Pigeon cloud as sample below:
King Pigeon my m2m cloud support Modbus TCP, cloud configuration, wechat alarm function, welcomed
editable function.
(1) In "Basic Parameter" setting page, set device ID, range 1~247 in Modbus RTU protocol as below: