SV100 series drives are voltage type variable frequency
drive. The output voltage is in PWM wave with some
harmonics. Therefore, temperature rise, noise and
vibration of motor are higher compared to the rated
Low Speed operation with Constant Torque
Driving a common motor at low speed for a long time,
the drive’s rated output torque will be reduced
considering the deteriorating heat dissipation effect, so a
special variable frequency motor is needed if operation
at low speed with constant torque for a long term.
Motor’s over-temperature protecting threshold
When the motor and driver are matched, the drive can
protect the motor from over-temperature. If the rated
capacity of the driven motor is not in compliance with
the drive, be sure to adjust the protective threshold or
take other protective measures so that the motor is
properly protected.
Operation above 50Hz
When running the motor above 50Hz, there will be
increase in vibration and noise. The rate at which the
torque is available from the motor is inversely
proportional to its increase in running speed. Ensure that
the motor can still provide sufficient torque to the load.
Lubrication of mechanical devices
Over time, the lubricants in mechanical devices, such as
gear box, geared motor, etc. when running at low speed,
will deteriorate. Frequent maintenance is recommended.
Braking Torque
Braking torque is developed in the machine when the
drive is hoisting a load down. The drive will trip when it
cannot cope with dissipating the regenerative energy of
the load. Therefore, a braking unit with proper
parameters setting in the drive is required.
The mechanical resonance point of load
The drive system may encounter mechanical resonance
with the load when operating within certain band of
output frequency. Skip frequencies have been set to
avoid it.
Start and stop frequntly
The drive should be started and stopped via its control
terminals. It is prohibited to start and stop the drive
directly through input line contactors, which may
damage the drive with frequent operations.
Insulation of Motors
Before using the drive, the insulation of the motors must
be checked, especially, if it is used for the first time or if
it has been stored for a long time. This is to reduce the
risk of the Drive from being damaged by the poor
insulation of the motor. Wiring diagram is shown in Fig.
1-1. Please use 500V insulation tester to measure the
insulating resistance. It should not be less than 5MΩ.
Fig. 1-1 checking the insulation of motor
About Variable Frequency Drive
Varistors or Capacitors Used to Improve the Power
Considering the drive output PWM pulse wave
don't connect any varistor or capacitor to the output
terminals of the drive, , otherwise tripping or damaging
of components may occur; as shown in fig 1.2