FingerVein Integration Module (VIM)
Installation and Programming Manual
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4. Technical Specifications
4.1. FingerVein VIM
Control and power supply modules: 96 x 59 x 45 mm
FingerVein biometric sensor: 69 x 85 x 49 mm
Power Supply:
12 Vdc ± 8%
Maximum Current consumption: Control electronics: 200 mA
@ 5V (self-generated)
FingerVein biometric sensor: 600 mA @ 12V
Interface to Host:
RS232 - baudrate between 9600 and 57600; n,8,1
Outlet for external reader power supply: 5Vdc for the auxiliary reader power supply with
a current capacity of 200 mA.
User interface:
Front panel with 3 keys and 3 LEDs. Beeper on-board.
Optical barrier:
Integrated within the FingerVein biometric sensor.
Relay contacts:
1 relay contacts, normally open, 24V / 3A (optional)
Digital inputs:
1 relay-type digital inputs. In open circuit (contact open) their
logic value will be 0. In contact with earth (contact closed),
logic value 1.
Clock & Data input:
In the UI module, it allows for a device to be connected that
transmits in Clock&Data with ABA encoding, Track 2.
4.2. Keypad
The FingerVein VIM allows connection of a Front Panel with three keys (J2 connector),
which may represent up to six different codes. That is achieved by distinguishing
between short (usual operation) and long press durations. Codes achieved after long
press durations are referred hereafter as “ALT + Key” codes.
Short-duration pressing of a key ends up with a short beep. On the other hand, if we keep
the key pressed for more than 4 seconds, a long beep will be emitted, thus indicating the
extended-mode operation. We may then release the key, which will trigger the “ALT +
Key” code.
4.3. Light indicators
The FingerVein VIM supports operatio of up to three light indicators (LEDs).
1. No peripherals attached