4.2 Solar Charge Controller Settings
Volts are per battery in a single string.
Amps are per string in parallel
1200 - Battery Capacity
1200 Wh, 100 Ah
2400 - Battery Capacity
2400 Wh, 200 Ah
3600 - Battery Capacity
3600 Wh, 300 Ah
Absorb Time
2 minutes or less
Absorb Voltage
14.1 V
Battery Temperature Compensation
Do not use a battery temperature sensor with these
If the sensor or compensation value is required for a
charge controller or inverter charger to work, set the
battery temperature compensation to 0mV/°C
Battery Temperature Compensation
0.00 mV/deg C
Float Voltage
13.4 - Normally the inverter/charger is set to 2-Stage-
No-Float, but if it has to be set then used this value
HBCO (High Battery Cut Out)
14.4 V
LBCO (Low Battery Cut Out)
12.25 V (or as close as it can be set)
LBCO Delay
5 seconds
LBCO Hysteresis
0.5 V
Max Bulk Current
Set the inverter max bulk current so that when it is add-
ed to the charge controller current, together they add
up to less than the max charge current for your battery
Peukert Factor
Recharge/Re-Bulk Volts (≈80% DoD)
12.75 V
1200 - Recommended Charge Current
50 A or less per HLX in Parallel
2400 - Recommended Charge Current
100 A or less per HLX in Parallel
3600 - Recommended Charge Current
200 A or less per HLX+ in Parallel