Technical Data Sheet 2.50-35.021-01-en Rev
D e v i ce De s c ri p ti on
FSM21 Front Switch Module
For connection to the FBM38 fieldbus module.
Green signal LED (1.1/1.2, 2.1/2.2) with “Remote” operating mode activated
Two signal LEDs are found to the right of each manual/automatic switch. They are used to display operating
messages on binary inputs 51/IN–54/IN of the FBM38 (e.g. display of feedback from the connected
The green signal LEDs on the control channels can be switched off as required (see the “LED Settings” section).
ignal LED 1.1: On when binary input 51/IN of the FBM38 switches
ignal LED 1.2: On when binary input 52/IN of the FBM38 switches
ignal LED 2.1: On when binary input 53/IN of the FBM38 switches
Signal LED 2.2: On when binary input 54/IN of the FBM38 switches
Upcoming operating messages are signaled by a constantly lit LED.
If an operating message input does not match the corresponding control signal after 3 seconds have elapsed,
then the signal LEDs begin to flash. The active operating message is signaled by a constantly lit LED when the
operating message input and control signal match.
Green signal LED (1.1/1.2, 2.1/2.2) with “Local” operating mode activated
Two signal LEDs are found to the right of each manual/automatic switch. They are used to display the switching
states of the assigned output relay on the FBM38.
Switched levels lead to a constantly lit green LED.
Delayed switches within the load/rolling switch are signaled by a flashing LED.
The green signal LEDs on the control channels can be switched off as required (see the “LED Settings” section).
Red malfunction message LED (1.3/1.4, 2.3/2.4)
Two red malfunction message LEDs are found to the right underneath each manual/automatic switch. They are
used to display malfunction messages on binary inputs 55/IN–58/IN of the FBM38.
ignal LED 1.3: On when binary input 55/IN of the FBM38 switches
ignal LED 1.4: On when binary input 56/IN of the FBM38 switches
ignal LED 2.3: On when binary input 57/IN of the FBM38 switches
Signal LED 2.4: On when binary input 58/IN of the FBM38 switches
The malfunction messages are acknowledged on the backbone connection SSM-Q of the FBM38.
The signaling of malfunction messages is described in detail in the macro description of the FBM38 fieldbus
module (see Technical Data Sheet 2.50-30.038-02-en).
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