2. Important Safety Informa0on
If you recognise any of the above symptoms consult your Doctor immediately.
Young children, elderly and pets are more suscep0ble to the dangers of CO.
Your Kidde alarm is designed to detect CO gas. It is not designed to detect smoke, fire
or other gas such as natural gas.
This product is intended for use in ordinary family homes. It is not designed to
measure compliance with occupa0onal safety and the HSE.
Individuals with certain specific medical condi0ons may need an alarm that operates
below 30ppm. If this applies consult your Doctor.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that all family members are familiar with the symptoms of CO
poisoning and how your alarm works.
CAUTION: This alarm will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide at the sen-
sor. Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas.
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