Further informa0on for Caravan and Boat Owners
The following can lead to carbon monoxide being produced:
• Using LPG cooking appliances for space hea/ng
• Leaving LPG appliances on overnight
• Barbecues within the boat cabin or near a caravan door (e.g. under an awning)
To be safe, know the possible sources of CO in your home. Keep fuel burning appliances,
chimneys and vents in good working condi/on. Learn the early symptoms of exposure, and if
you suspect CO poisoning, move outside into fresh air and get emergency help. Your first line of
defence is an annual inspec/on and regular maintenance of your appliances. Contact a licensed
contractor or call your local u/lity company for assistance.
This alarm has not been tested specifically for use in caravans or boats. Only CO alarms
cer-fied to EN50291-2 are fully approved for this purpose.
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