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Mounting Instructions


1. Insert wood blocks into clamp fronts.

2. Attach lower clamp at floor level or as close as possible to floor using two bolts. (Fig. 1)

Tighten each screw one or two turns at a time so tension is same on both sides. Be sure not to 

over tighten as this may damage post or clamp.

3. Square Top Post:  Repeat this procedure to attach upper clamp.

Round Top Post:  Place upper clamp front and back around post and tighten screws one or two

turns, just enough to hold entire clamp with one hand. Insert round post adapters into clamp with

inside arrows facing up. (Fig 2)  Repeat procedure of tightening clamps to post in Step 2.

4. Before installing 36” wood, refer to gate manufacturer’s instructions to make sure that

attachment of wood to clamps does not interfere with placement of gate’s hardware. If it does,

raise or lower clamps to appropriate height.  (Note: Lowering an existing square top post

installation may create a round top post installation.)

5. Place 36” wood against both clamps and using a level check to make sure wood is perpendicular

to floor. You may use one or both shims at either top or bottom to make any necessary 


6. Install 36” wood to clamps by drilling a 5⁄32” hole through wood (and shims if used) but only 

partially into clamp. Use one 1½” screw and one finish washer to attach wood to top and bottom 

clamps. If you used shims you will need to use the longer 1¾” screws for your installation.

(Fig. 3)

7. Install gate onto wood following gate manufacturer’s instructions. (Fig. 4)

8. It is recommended to cut off any extra wood that extends above top mount providing it is not

necessary for mounting  gate. Sand to smooth rough edges.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

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