Passive Crossovers
A bandpass filter is the combination of highpass and lowpass filters. Bandpass filter assign a specific BAND of fre-
quencies to pass through to the speaker. The most common is a bandpass filter in the mid-bass frequencies
( 90Hz - 300Hz).
Configuring such a filter using a capacitor and an inductor is simple. Both devices are placed into series with the
speaker’s voice coil; the capacitor first inline followed by an inductor. The frequencies entering the bandpass will
meet the capacitor first. Frequencies HIGHER than 90Hz will pass through. The signal will then run through the
inductor and roll off frequencies above 300Hz. This scenario will cut off frequencies BELOW 90Hz and rolloff fre-
quencies ABOVE 300Hz at a slope of 6dB per octave.
+ Speaker
+ Amp
Capacitor Choke
90Hz 300Hz
Kicker SSMB Series Midbass Drivers
Recommended Applications / Version 2.0
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