Passive Crossovers
A passive crossover is a circuit employing capacitors and/or coils. Passives are placed on speaker leads between
the amplifier and the speaker.
When a cap or coil is placed in the speaker’s circuit they will separate the frequencies to the speaker at 6 dB per
octave. The three most commonly used filter networks are highpass, lowpass and bandpass ( a combination of a
capacitor and a coil). A speaker’s impedance and the component’s values determine the frequencies that are fil-
100 MFD
100 MFD
High Pass
Low Pass
Choke (inductor)
High Pass Curve
Low Pass Curve
6 dB/Octave High Pass
6 dB/Octave Low Pass
Kicker SSMB Series Midbass Drivers
Recommended Applications / Version 2.0
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