Power Harness Routing
1. Disconnect negative battery cable
2. Make sure the supplied fuses are not installed in the fuse holders of the subwoofer and
amplifier power harness and connect the harnesses to the stud pictured in Fig. 1. Torque
stud nut to 14Nm (124in-lbs)
3. Route the both power harnesses toward the driver’s side factory firewall grommet and secure
with the supplied wire ties.
4. Make a small incision in the grommet and pass the both power harnesses into the cabin. Fig.
5. Install the white three pin power connector on the amplifier power harness. Close the
retainer. Fig. 3
Note: The terminals are keyed so that they only install one way. If the terminal
doesn’t want to slide completely into the connector, it may need to be rotated 180
degrees. It does not matter which red wire goes in what position of the connector.
6. Install the black two pin power connector on the subwoofer power harness by first inserting
the terminal fully into the connector and then depressing the blue retainer. Fig. 4
Note: Make sure the blue retainer in the center of the connector is not depressed –
it should be flush with the front of the connector. If the retainer is depressed, the
terminal will not fully seat in the connector body. Make sure the terminal is installed
into position 1 on the connector body. There should be a block-out plug installed in
position 2 in order to prevent the terminal from being installed into the wrong
position on the connector.
Fig 1
Insert terminals first.
Any wire can be in
any position.
Fig 3
Then depress
blue retainer
Fig 4
Fig 2