The KQ30 will have enough output to operate most amplifiers to their full power output even with the amplifier’s
gain control set at its lowest position. Remember, the gain settings on any amplifier are for level matching only,
they do not increase the power output of your amplifier. The lowest gain setting that will allow your amplifier to
make full power is always best for sound quality, lowest system noise and reliability.
RTA Equalization
OK, now we are ready to get an RTA in the car and adjust the KQ30. If you do not have access to an RTA then skip
this section labeled RTA EEqualization, set the equalizer to what sounds best to you and move to the next section
labeled Final G
Gain SSettings.
First we need place the RTA's microphone into the car on a microphone stand so that the microphone is located
approximately at the same level as your head when you are driving. (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2)
If you are going to
be competing in any
competition organi-
zation, be sure to
place the micro-
phone at the location
specified in their rule
book. Otherwise, just
make sure the micro-
phone is located at
approximately ear
Next, you want to place a CD into your source unit which contains a continuous pink noise recording. The various
competition organizations sell CDs with this recording on them or track 18 from the AutoSound 2000 Test CD 102
could be used. Be sure to place your source unit into Track Repeat mode so it will keep playing the pink noise track
Now, with the RTA in SPL (Sound Pressure Level) mode, you want to turn the volume up on your system until you
get a reading in the 80 - 90 dB range. This is how we set the volume to perform the RTA measurements and adjust
the equalizer.
Adjusting Equalizer Controls
Back Seat
20 40 63 100 156 250 400 635 1K 1.6K 2.5K 4K 6.4K 10K 16K
31.5 50 80 126 200 320 500 800 1.27K 2K 3.2K 5K 8K 12.8K 20K
Audio Leap RTA Unit
Real Time Spectrum Analyzer
Fig. 1 Top View
Fig. 2 Side View
20 40 63 100 156 250 400 635 1K 1.6K 2.5K 4K 6.4K 10K 16K
31.5 50 80 126 200 320 500 800 1.27K 2K 3.2K 5K 8K 12.8K 20K
Audio Leap RTA Unit
Real Time Spectrum Analyzer
KQ30 Equalizer Technical Manual
Version 1.0
January 1, 2002 Page 16