For technical support, please call: 800-323-4840 ext. 290 (M - F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m CST)
a. UnPaCKinG KeySTone
After removing the printer from the packaging material, check the contents. The following items
should be included:
Thermal printer
Power cord for thermal printer
Sample roll of labels (HCP-TD-115-Y)
Keystone user manual
Keystone brochure/label information
Keystone keyboard unit
Serial data transfer cable
USB to serial power cable (Not for data transfer)
Keystone installation CD
All technical support calls related to the Keystone product should be directed to TimeMed
Technical Support by contacting:
(800) 323-4840 extension 290
Monday through friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. CST