10 Keysight 16048D Test Leads
Shown are the supported parts and their respective RoHS compliant
replacement support part. RoHS conversion involves with design and
dimension change which result in the RoHS support part backward
incompatible with non-RoHS 16048D. Special handling is needed while using
the RoHS replacement part on non-RoHS 16048D. The original support part
number is replaced by the respective “RoHS Compliant Replacement Part”.
Do not disassemble any further than shown. Maintenance consists principally
of cleaning contacts and replacing worn or damaged parts. Take special care
when cleaning contacts. To order parts, use the Keysight Technologies part
numbers listed in
. If a faulty part is located in an assembly that
cannot be disassembled, order the next higher assembly or return the whole
device to the nearest Keysight Technologies Sales/Service Office for repair or