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PNA Family Application Options
Comb Generators
U9391C 10 MHz to 26 5 GHz
U9391F 10 MHz to 50 GHz
U9391G 10 MHz to 67 GHz
The U9391C/F/G provides precision phase calibration, traceable
to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
standard. It is used for nonlinear measurements with the PNA-X
nonlinear vector network analyzer (NVNA). NVNA requires two
comb generators, one is connected during measurements and
another is used only during calibration. A comb generator is also
used to characterize the VNA receivers for delay measurements
of frequency converters using PNA-X or PNA with Option 083.
CalPod calibration refresh module (8553xB/4xA)
CalPods allow in-situ calibration refreshes to be performed at
the push of a button without removing the DUT or connecting
calibration standards. CalPods are useful in any measurement
situation where it is desirable to have assurance that a valid
calibration is present before recording measurement data. Some
of the measurement applications where CalPods have proven
useful are as follows:
– Thermal-vacuum testing
– Temperature chamber testing
– Measurement of low-loss devices
– Applications that require frequent re-calibrations
– Applications that have complex and lengthy calibrations,
such as multi-port measurements
– Measurement of cables installed in aircraft
– Removing switch matrix repeatability errors
– Removing switch and connector repeatability errors in
complex ATE test systems
Solid black series name indicates the feature is available on that
series, while gray series name with strikethrough indicates the
feature is not available on that series. For example;
Available on PNA Series
Not available on PNA Series
Rack mount kit without handles (Option 1CM)
Adds a rack mount flange kit 1CM042A and a rail kit (E3663AC)
for use without handles.
Rack mount kit with handles (Option 1CP)
Adds handles 1CN020A, a rack mount flange kit (5063-9237), and
a rail kit (E3663AC) for use with handles.
Pulse I/O adapter (N1966A)
An adapter for connecting between the Pulse I/O connector on the rear panel
of the analyzer and the coaxial inputs and outputs of external pulse
generators and external pulse modulators. Coaxial connectors are SMB-male.
The PULSE IN connectors are for controlling the analyzer’s internal IF gates,
which are enabled with Option 008 and used with narrowband detection. The
PULSE OUT connectors are from the four internal pulse generators, which are
enabled with Option 025. The PULSE SYNC IN connector is used to
synchronize the internal pulse generators with an external timing pulse. The
RF PULSE MOD IN connector controls the internal pulse modulator(s) which
are enabled with Options 021 and 022.
Pulse I/O adapter (N1966A) simplifies connections
Comb generator enables
vector-corrected measurements at
fundamental and
harmonic frequencies