Software installation
Software installation
The latest VSA (89601B) software version can be downloaded from
The support of M9710A digitizer also requires installing a plugin so that VSA can
recognize this hardware. This MD2 Hardware Extension for VSA software can be
accessed from following link:
MD2 Digitizers Hardware Extension for 89600 VSA Software
or found from M9710A product page ( > Technical
Support > Drivers, Firmware, and Software.
Once downloaded, execute MD2DigitizersHwExt_Setup-<
>.exe and follow
the installation process.
VSA (89601B) gets updated frequently to support new hardware.
You must reinstall the above plugin anytime you upgrade the VSA
software version.
Checking if your hardware is included in VSA’s extension manager
Start > All Programs > VSA Extension Manager
Look for your hardware at the bottom, if not listed, then install the hardware extension
as described above.
M9710A Hardware Extension of 89600 VSA Software