7 | Keysight | M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer 1 MHz to 3 or 6 GHz - Specifications Guide
Technical Specifications and Characteristics
Frequency range and resolution
Option F03
1 MHz to 3 GHz
Option F06
1 MHz to 6 GHz
Tuning resolution
0.001 Hz
IF frequency
15 MHz filter
326 MHz
40 MHz filter
240 MHz
160 MHz filter
300 MHz
Analysis bandwidth
Maximum bandwidth
Option B04
40 MHz
Option B10
100 MHz
Option B16
160 MHz
Frequency switching speed
List mode switching speed
Sample rate
Acquisition bandwidth
Standard, nominal
Option UNZ, nominal
Baseband frequency offset change
≤ 100 MHz
≤ 80 MHz
5 ms
27 µs
> 100 MHz to < 180
> 80 MHz to
< 144 MHz
5 ms
102 µs
≥ 180 MHz
≥ 144 MHz
5 ms
15 µs
Arbitrary frequency change
5 ms
320 µs
Non-list mode switching speed
Standard, nominal
Option UNZ, nominal
Baseband frequency offset change
5 ms
310 µs
Arbitrary frequency change
5 ms
2.3 ms
1. Instantaneous bandwidth (1 dB bandwidth) available around a center frequency over which the input signal can be digitized for further
analysis or processing in the time, frequency or modulation domain.
2. When used with the M9018A PXIe chassis (2-link configuration: 1 x 8 [factory default]) and M9036A PXIe embedded controller.
3. Settled to within 1 kHz or 1 ppm, whichever is greater of final value. Does not include data acquisition or processing time. Amplitude
settled to within 0.1 dB. Channel filter set to none. Applies for all conversion types.
4. Time from trigger input to frequency and amplitude settled. Minimum IQ sample rate ≥ 6 MHz. Minimum spectrum acquisition ≥ 4.8 MHz.
Minimum power acquisition channel filter bandwidth ≥ 4.8 MHz. For lists with first point < 400 MHz or for frequency changes
from > 400 MHz to < 400 MHz, add 40 ms.
5. Baseband offset can be adjusted ± from carrier frequency within limits determined by RF analysis bandwidth and IF filter bandwidth.
Synthesizer frequency and amplitude are not changing. Baseband offset settled to within 1 kHz.
6. Mean time from IVI command to carrier frequency settled to within 1 kHz or 1 ppm, whichever is greater. Amplitude settled within 0.1 dB.
Simultaneous carrier frequency and amplitude switching. For frequency changes from > 400 MHz to < 400 MHz, add 40 ms.