Remove the PS/2 adapter from the end of the keyboard cord (if so equipped on GTN models) so that the USB input is
exposed. There is no adapter on GTU models.
Connect the keyboard directly into a USB port on the computer, power up the computer and allow Windows to detect
the device and install the drivers. Do not attempt to install via hub or switch, as the keyboard must be connected directly
to the computer for correct driver installation. You may see a window that tells you the hardware is installed and ready
for use when it is done.
If you are connecting a USB numeric keypad in conjunction with a Goldtouch keyboard, be sure to connect it via USB
as described above. For correct operation, the numeric keypad must be plugged directly into the computer for installation,
but can be connected through a hub once the drivers have been installed.
Do not attempt the plug the keyboard into one of the USB ports located on the sides of the USB keypad, as these ports
are intended only for low power devices, like mice or USB storage drives. Doing so will cause the keyboard and keypad
to malfunction.
Adjusting Your Goldtouch Keyboard
The Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard has been developed to reduce unwanted awkward postures and to enable you to
attain comfortable, neutral wrist postures. By adjusting the two keyboard sections, both horizontally and vertically, you tailor
the keyboard to your individual anatomy and work environment. At the same time decreasing two potentially harmful and
awkward postures, ulnar deviation and pronation.
Everyone is different and will require different typing positions to suit them and their workstation.
The patented Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard has an easy to use adjustment latch mechanism:
To adjust it, simply open the handle away from the keyboard. This releases the lock and lets you move the keyboard
segments to suit your individual comfort.
Once you have found an appropriate keyboard configuration, ensure that the segments are sitting evenly on all four feet
and push the handle back to its locked position.
Always ensure that the locking of the handle is undertaken with due care to avoid fingers being caught
between the keyboard surface and the locking mechanism.
Remember, just as you would shift and move your posture and task during the day, the Goldtouch Adjustable Keyboard
can be adjusted to move with you. Avoid postures that are awkward, uncomfortable or require you to flex, extend or
deviate your wrists from a neutral posture or pronate your wrists and forearms.